A Celebration of Excellence: CJ Charlton Group at the Opening of Resurgam House

September 4, 2023

At CJ Charlton Group Ltd, we take every opportunity to connect, learn, and grow. This
includes embracing the best industry practices and aligning ourselves with organizations
that share our dedication to excellence. The 30th of June marked a special occasion for us as
we attended the official opening of Resurgam House, home to the National Federation of
Demolition Contractors (NFDC) and National Demolition Training Group (NDTG).

Resurgam House’s opening was not just a celebration of a new facility, but a reflection of
the industry’s commitment to professionalism, innovation, and excellence. It was a moment
to recognize the importance of training, collaboration, and shared goals.

The event provided a fantastic opportunity to catch up with fellow NFDC and NDTG
members. These connections strengthen our industry ties and offer a chance to learn from
each other, share insights, and build collaborative relationships.

An integral part of the day was exploring the new state-of-the-art training facilities. The
establishment of such an advanced training center demonstrates the industry’s
commitment to developing skills and maintaining the highest standards.

At CJ Charlton Group Ltd, we understand that excellence is achieved through continuous
learning, and the facilities at Resurgam House symbolize that belief.

Our NFDC membership is more than a symbol; it’s a declaration of our commitment to our
clients and the industry. It reflects our dedication to providing exceptional service and value,
ensuring that every project is handled with care, professionalism, and the utmost quality.

The official opening of Resurgam House was more than an event; it was a reminder of what
we stand for at CJ Charlton Group Ltd. From the superb training facilities to the valuable
connections made with fellow members, it was a day filled with inspiration and
reaffirmation of our commitment to excellence.

Our presence at this momentous occasion signifies our alignment with the NFDC and
NDTG’s values and our ongoing determination to provide our clients with unparalleled

If you have any inquiries about our demolition services or would like to discuss your specific project requirements, please feel free to reach out to us.